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UK Trip: London, Cambridge, Oxford, Scotland

UK Trip: London, Cambridge, Oxford, Scotland

UK Trip: London, Cambridge, Oxford, Scotland

UK Trip: London, Cambridge, Oxford, Scotland

UK Trip: London, Cambridge, Oxford, Scotland

Being a full time student and a full time small business owner doesn’t warrant much down time. If I were being honest, 2015 was the last time I can remember taking a break! I’m a firm believer that there are different seasons of life meant to be dedicated to certain things. I couldn’t be more thankful for this busy, hard, challenging, and rewarding season that I am in now.

However — this trip was special to me for a few reasons. I not only loved seeing the beautiful countryside, but I loved getting the chance to take an actual vacation! (Okay….I did answer a few emails while I was gone. What can I say…I LOVE my job)!


We flew into London and spend our first few days there. Then we headed to Oxford University and stayed there for a week! We spent a day in Cambridge and then spent our last week in Edinburgh and St. Andrews, Scotland!

Just waiting to see the queen —
Hallway of Magdalen College in Oxford and bench on Addison’s Walk (which goes around the land of Magdalen College). Magdalen College Westminister Abbey, London
Oxford Inside of Westminister Abbey Coast at St. Andrew, Scotland
Westminister Abbey, London St. Andrews, Scotland King’s College at Cambridge University
Hadrian’s Wall
Hadrian’s Wall
Hadrian’s Wall
We hiked up Author’s Seat in Edinburgh, Scotland

University Park at Oxford
 The Church that Lewis preached his sermon “Weight of Glory” Castle in Scotland

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