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Belle: Our Family’s Newest Member!

Belle: Our Family’s Newest Member!

Belle: Our Family’s Newest Member!

Belle: Our Family’s Newest Member!

Belle: Our Family’s Newest Member!

So if you’ve followed me on social media for any amount of time, it’s no secret that I am crazy about my dogs. Growing up I did dog shows and agility with my golden retriever, Ella (She’s now 12 years old)! Ella has been such a sweet blessing in my life and it’s been such an honor to grow up with her. I’ve had her since I was 9 years old. Even though it’s hard to watch her get older and unsure of how much longer I’ll have her by my side, I wouldn’t trade our years together for the world.

Recently, we decided to get Ella a new baby sister. Meet Belle! She’s our baby English Cream Golden Retriever and we are entirely obsessed with her!


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